Council of Elders


These are the basics; primarily for the benefit of new members.  Below this list you will find more detailed descriptions explaining the intricate and confusing laws of lawlessness.

  1. First and foremost, this is a game, so have fun (but not too much!).
  2. Please try to limit swearing in guild chat for the comfort of our members.
  3. Try to keep guild sets together so that members can get the bonuses on them (i.e. Elite Hunter +100, damage +15, etc.)
  4. Groups are to be used for hunting elite/super elite creatures and capturing relics (not obliterating rats).
  5. Talk to the Mournblade or an Elder (first 10 or so users in user list) online about participating in a guild conflict
  6. If you are new, read through the rules below.

Guild Items

  1. Any items placed into the guild store become the property of the Guild.
  2. Any items looted via a guild group remain the property of the Group Leader.
  3. Untagged items in the store can be sold by any member.  The resulting FSP or gold should be sent to Nonya for upgrades.
  4. Sets (e.g.  Hunter, Steep Nojor, etc) that are guild-tagged should be worn as a set.  When no longer needed, the ENTIRE SET should be placed into the guild store or passed to an agreeable member.
  5. Do not store crap (e.g. Crimson Helms, Amulet of Thievery, etc) in the guild store.
  6. If a player stores guild items in their backpack and do not want them to be recalled, they need to STATE IN THEIR BIO, something like “Ursa set is being used”.  Otherwise, it is assumed that items can be recalled.
  7. If possible, please try to have a defensive kit equipped for those times when you are offline and someone else could benefit from an item or set in your backpack.

Guild Conflicts

See here for info on that topic.

Guild Alliances

Any guild in an Alliance with us or wishing to be in one should be able to do the following, all to be reciprocated:

* Help in bountying enemies.

* Bounties to be cleared with 10 stam hits and stolen gold returned

* No PvP between guilds except bounties as above.

* Warnings of thieves etc to be shared

Non-Aggression Pacts

* No PvP between guilds except bounties.

* Don’t clear bounties without permission from the bountied party

* No GvG (unless mutually agreed)