Council of Elders

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Guild Gear Use Policy

In Uncategorized on July 24, 2010 at 6:05 pm

(Revised – Effective 07/24/2010)


Epic items should not be worn offline at any time
– If you use an Epic item, you are expected to remove it before going offline and place into your backpack or the guild store.
– If you leave it on and log off – anyone can remove it from you at any time… the 7 day rule does not apply to Epics.
– You are not to strip it from another ONLINE member, period.  Ask them to send it to you when they are finished.

Failure to follow these simple rules will result in the following:
1st offense – Warning
2nd offense – Revenge of the Rose (punishment rank with no privileges)
3rd offense – Kick from the guild.

If we continue to have problems, the Guild Founder reserves the right to untag and sell the Epic items.  Yes it’s harsh but these are simple rules and it SHOULDN’T come to that.

Non-Epic items may be worn offline but you are encouraged to purchase your own defensive kit to protect you during GVGs. 

An easy rule-of-thumb regarding non-Epic hunting equipment: 
If all sets are equipped by offline folks, recall the kit from the person who has been offline the LONGEST.    Being offline for 7 days or more makes a player “un-attackable” during GVG so it’s best to recall from them.

Courtesy among our members regarding guild gear use should always be paramount.

Increase Your Odds of Winning in GvG!!!

In Uncategorized on July 22, 2010 at 12:05 pm

To initiate a conflict, it costs our guild 1 FSP + 50,000 in gold.
– At a minimum, it takes 50 wins and no losses to ensure a tie (if the other guild loses at least one battle out of 50, and we win all 50 we win).

The most critical part of winning in GvG is understanding that stats have (almost) everything to do with it.
You getting buffed is added insurance of winning, but not a guarantee.
Your target being buffed is a liability that risks a loss.
If they are online – they can get buffed up – and warn their fellow members who is attacking and then buff their other members.

Even if you have the stats to win – equipment enhancements like First Strike, Dodge, Disarm, etc., can still cause a loss.

– Your targets should be offline and not buffed with ANYTHING that would give them an advantage (offensive or defensive buffs).
– Get all the Defensive and Offensive buffs you can get from your guild mates. Your stats are the determining factor – but buffs help a lot!

Your stats>Your target (Note: > means ‘Greater Than’)

If you don’t have those, it’s not a good target – don’t take the chance of losing – find another target.It might seem redundant to have Att>Att and Def>Def and Att>Def and Def>Att… but it works – and I speak from a long history of experience.

Think of it this way… In order to be able to hit someone, you need to be able to attack faster. In order not to get hit, you need to defend against their attack.
If you have better attack and defense than your target, your odds of winning automatically go up.

Having Dmg>Arm+HP means you won’t have to hit them mulitiple times (giving them a chance to hit back each time).
Remember this… your damage minus their Arm+HP should leave an amount that is greater than their HP alone.

For example: Your damage = 1000, their Arm+HP = 700 (good).

Of that 700 let’s say their HP is 550. Unless you score a critical hit, or piercing strike, you will need to hit them 2 times to deplete their HP!

(1000-550=450 left)If their equipment stats kick in, you could easily lose, even without the added benefit of greater stats and awesome buffs.

***Reiteration of our GvG Rules***
If you want to participate in GvG and you are not a Runeblade, you have to provide the names of your targets to the Mournblade (Nonya) or a Runeblade in the guild.
– Your targets stats will be compared to yours, first.
– Make sure you have at least 4 targets (or it will take you forever to complete it).
– If you want to initiate a conflict, try to have at least 6 targets (you’re picking the guild, and it will go faster).

If you enter into ANY conflict – be prepared to complete it alone.
– You need 500 stam to initiate a conflict
– If you win 13 out of 13 you can stop – but you still have to finish it before it expires, if nobody else joins in.
– If you lose, you finish it alone

Losses are inevitable.
– A loss means we gave up the cost without getting anything for it (we didn’t get any Guild RP or PvP points).
– A loss means that any other player that participated lost stam for their effort.
– A loss means we lose Guild RP and Guild GvG Ratings.

Even if we win all 50, we can still be tied.
– A tie means we don’t get anything for the effort or the expense.
– There is always at least a 1% chance that you will lose any attack (it’s built into the game).


~ Nonya

New Rank Contest Winner(s)

In Uncategorized on July 19, 2010 at 7:42 am

For the last month, we’ve solicited entries for new rank titles in the guild. They had to be titles that fell within the Moorcock universe (preferably, but not necessarily, in the Lords of Chaos world). The following entries were received:

goatman1: Brut of Lashmar
Groogurk: Flame Bringer
Nonya: Warlord of the Air, The Nomad of Time Streams, The Land Leviathan
FatChiwawa: Lord of the Resources
Rehsirap: Armageddon’s Agent, The Skrayling Assassin, Prime Multiverse Sire
slayer142: The Land Leviathan

While researching to see if all the entries fell within the parameters asked for above (not all did), I found one or two others that will likely be added too. However of these listed above, the ones that caught my eye and made me say “Yeah!” were:

Flame Bringer
Warlord of the Air
Nomad of Time Streams

Those just sounded really cool to me (and, again, followed the parameters laid out). Since I couldn’t decide on “just one” I’ve decided to award BOTH Groogurk and Nonya with the 5 FSP prize. Thanks to everyone for entering !

– Skerdog –

What makes a good recruit?

In Uncategorized on July 3, 2010 at 4:24 am

1) They’re equipped with their own gear (mostly or completely).
2) They are actively leveling (at least 20 levels per month)
3) They are GvG candidates (it’s in their bio)
4) They have their own offline set of gear

Here are some questions you should be asking of prospects:

How old are you? (If they’re under 18, they probably don’t have funds)

What is the name of your previous guild? (Check with their founders)
Why did you leave – was it on good terms?

What is your aim in the game?
– Leveling / Hunting
– Arena
– PvP
– GvG
– Titan Hunting
– Elite Hunting
– Bounty Hunting
– Making Potions
– Quests
– Farming

What is your stamina gain per hour? (Not critical, but good to know if they’ve invested in it)

Do you have your own offline gear? (Not critical, but a big plus)

Are you willing to buy your own gear if it’s not available in the guild? (They should answer yes)

Do you purchase (or make) potions when needed, or ask for buffs and wait until you get what you need? (Avoids the ones that want everything given to them – answer should be yes)

Once you have invited someone and they have accepted, your first obligation should be to get them geared up, if needed.

The second thing you should do is make sure they know our rules. Point them to our guild webpage, and our Facebook web site. Make sure they know to ask for permission to compete in GvG (Runeblade or Mournblade).

Good players are hard to come by, but they’re out there.

Accepting anyone just because they want to join, isn’t a good reason to let them in. Check their stats, their level since they joined, their gear, and maximum stam. It all tells a little about what kind of player they are – and might give us better members to start.