Council of Elders

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New information!

In Uncategorized on February 3, 2011 at 9:02 pm

Do you want to help the guild?

Consider joining our GvG Army
– become a Runeblade!

There are various Epic items that can be created, using Guild RP.
Guild RP is earned through GvG.

Guild RP can be used in trade for expensive (in the AH) components that create some of the (also expensive) Epic items

  • Amulet of Seraphim
  • Bladed War Gauntlets
  • Blue Man of War Sword
  • Razored Azure Shield
  • Ridged Legion Breastplate
  • Ring of Red Death
  • Krimson Kardic Helm

These items require a recipe, which is relatively cheap to buy and learn – but some of the recipes require multiple ingredients to create these items

The main ingredients require one or more Bottles of Gorgon Tears, Bobanarts Crystal Skulls, the Fang of Meng Zhang – and in some recipes, additional pieces of gear.

It takes a lot of RP to acquire one of these ingredients, which means a lot of conflicts have to be won.

GvG is different than PvP in that there is no ‘gold’ won – and it requires a substantial amount of stam to complete a conflict alone (which is preferred). To have a chance of ‘winning’ a guild conflict – you need to win ‘all’ of the 50 battles in the conflict (which is equal to 500 stam on your part). Even if you win all of the battles, the conflict can still end in a draw… which means no points.

GvG benefits the guild, at the expense of the players / combatants XP

There is no gain for the player in gold, XP, or PvP Prestige – and we don’t pay to GvG

But – if we can earn enough RP – and acquire the components – we can add some nice Epic items to the guild store. The more – the better.

If you’re interested in helping us in GvG, contact our guild Mournblade (LaTinaFey) who is in charge of our GvG conflicts and Runeblades – or contact one of our Runeblades (the guilds army), or contact our Council / Guild Founders.

It’s not ‘only’ what the guild can do for you, but what you can do for the guild!